Energy efficiency is vital for commercial property users

To buy a business is a key step in the development of any growing company, the problem for most companies is to find premises that match their requirements and budget.

Paul Edwards, chair of the British Council for Offices’ Environmental Sustainability Group and head of sustainability at Hammerson, explained that it is also vital to update a building throughout its use.

He noted that it is becoming increasingly important for firms to operate within an Eco-friendly office space.

Within that area, one of the expenses that can be reduced most significantly is electricity – or, to be specific, lighting.

The expert warned companies that there are a number of steps that can be taken to make commercial property greener and slash costs.

“Turning [lights] off is the simplest thing you can do, but also you could install presence detectors in meeting rooms and ensure that all the lights are turned off in the evening when people leave,” Mr. Edwards stated.

It could be argued that selecting the perfect lights is almost as important as choosing the ideal office.

Perhaps the best news for businesses for sale is that Mr. Edwards is adamant that something can be done in every commercial property; such has been the rate of development in the technology world.

He added that firms that lease their headquarters could be wise to negotiate with the owners in order to make changes that will result in lower power bills.

Of course, other factors such as heating, water use and efficiency will have an impact on the amount of cash required to fuel a commercial property.

Electricity North West recently announced a cutting-edge energy trial is currently taking place in Manchester.

Businesses in the city are being asked to reduce their consumption at peak times in order to allow local operators to be paid for freeing up capacity on the National Grid.

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